Thus far, Australia has managed to avoid the financial problems experienced by other developed countries. A quarter of a century without a recession has been a remarkable performance for an economy seen to be in decline in the 1970s and 1980s. Despite this, or indeed because of it, financial excesses have built up in the Australian economy. During this time Australia's
has increased around 150 per cent in real terms. Just like in other developed countries, these financial excesses are related to housing debt. It is one thing to point out the increase in private debt, but it is another thing to establish that this presents a systemic risk both internationally and domestically. Jorda et al find that in the post-war period "the growth of mortgage credit has important implications for the sources of financial fragility in advanced economies, and hence for macroeconomic policies." Slower growth rates follow in the aftermath of mortgage booms even if there was not a financial crisis. Jorda et al conclude that "Contemporary business cycles seem to be increasingly shaped by the dynamics of mortgage credit, with non-mortgage lending playing only a minor role."
Minsky highlights the dangers of what he calls Ponzi financing wherein "cash flows from operations are not sufficient to fulfill either the repayment of principal or the interest due on outstanding debts by their cash flows from operations". The only way to pay off principal or interest is to sell assets (hopefully at a profit) or borrow more (in the hope that asset prices will continue to grow). According to Minsky, a heightened emphasis on speculative and ponzi finance leads to a greater likelihood that the financial system becomes what he calls a "deviation amplifying system".
It shouldn't be too hard to realise that the growth of the property sector as an outlet for investment shares much of the characteristics of ponzi finance. Investors utilising negative gearing provisions in the tax code are not as concerned as they should be that their asset produces sufficient income to cover interest, let alone principal, and rely instead on continuing increases in prices. This enables them to sell when necessary and to utilise profits to continue the process of asset price inflation. The longer the process goes on, the more likely it is that instability gets built into the financial system.
Eventually, there is a point of inflection where assessments about future profits turn negative, revealing the precarious nature of the whole edifice. Minsky argues that his hypothesis
Nevertheless, it seems clear also that external events can play a big role in creating inflection points and in leading to shocks that undermine liquidity and confidence.
In this paper I argue that the financialisation of the Australian economy has led to a cascading series of vulnerabilities in the Australian financial system, beginning with the domination of banks in the financial system, the preponderance of the big four banks in the banking system, the weight of real estate in the balance sheets of the big four banks and the explosion of household debt. Ultimately, the fate of the Australian financial sector - and the fate of the share market and the wider economy - sits precariously on the precipice of over-inflated property markets and debt-ridden households. The debt-house-price-nexus in Australia is like a stretching rubber band. A stretched band can either be relaxed gradually or it can be stretched further until it breaks.
Achieving the aim of a balanced financial system requires policy-makers to note the vulnerabilities building up in the Australian financial system and to work to reduce them over time. I argue, however, that financial policy-makers have underestimated the financial vulnerabilities building up in Australia as evidenced by the slow take-up of macroprudential policies and their complacent statements about growing risks. There are three reasons for this sanguine attitude: the policy predilection for economic liberal regulation of the financial sector, Australia's growth record and the profit performance of the major Australian banks. Policy-makers appear to believe good fortune will continue indefinitely, but as good investment advisers should always note: past performance is no guarantee of future performance. This is especially the case when the good times have gone on so long and fragilities have built up within the property-finance nexus.
I begin by considering bank domination of the financial system and the Big Four domination of the banking sector. I then outline the preponderance of mortgages on banks balance sheets and the accompanying large rise in property prices. This is followed by an analysis of recent financial regulation, before considering some of the dominant interests pushing for increasing property prices. The reluctance of financial policy-makers to discourage excessive credit growth has been a key 'non-decision' helping to buoy prices. In this section I outline the need for macroprudential policies to moderate the growth of credit. The analysis then turns to the phenomenal growth of debt and how the rise in private debt has fuelled massive increases in house prices. I outline historical and cross sectional evidence that shows that countries with the largest expansion of household debt suffer the most severe recessions. While many countries have already experienced such negative consequences, Australia has seen a 25 year expansion of house prices and household debt. This evidence, however, provides cause for concern for Australia's economic future. Policy-makers, complicit in the expansion of credit, have misplaced their focus on the expansion of public debt and the need to cut public spending. The final section analyses the strange disappearance of any concern about the growth of foreign debt and the current account deficit. I conclude by stressing the very real possibility that Australia's debt fuelled house price expansion will lead to a severe recession in coming years.
Australia has one of the world's most bank-dependent financial systems in the world. This dominant banking sector is itself dominated by the big four banks - the Commonwealth, the National Australia Bank, the Australia and New Zealand Banking Group and Westpac. According to David Richardson in
,"the common ownership of the big four banks" has led to the possibility that banks can "boost profits by acting as a monopoly". Measuring bank concentration by considering the share of the top four banks in total banking assets shows Australia has the most concentrated sector in the world. Australia's ‘big four’ make up four of the eight most
profitable banks in the world. According
), Australia's large banks' return on equity (after tax and minority interests) has recently replaced Canada as the highest in the world.
Despite their domination, Richardson's analysis found that "the cheapest of the big four
banks was a good deal more expensive than many individual mutual banks, credit
unions and building societies and was more expensive than the average of those
institutions by 40 basis points." That's a lot of people not getting the best deal on their loans. According to
Luci Ellis from the RBA
Back in the early 1980s, non-bank financial intermediaries were almost as important as banks. In contrast, nowadays the share of financial intermediation outside the prudentially regulated sectors is very small – the orange bars compared with the sum of the two blue bars [in the figure below] ... [B]anks have grown in importance because they are no longer being restrained by the tight restrictions of prior decades. The supposition of the debate in the 1990s had been that deregulation would make it harder for banks to compete with new entrants. The reality was that banks were being constrained by those regulations more than they were being shielded by them. Certainly that's the message of the non-banks during this period, many of which voted with their feet and became banks, just as a number of credit unions have done in recent years.
The RBA, while discussing the risks, doesn't seem too worried about these trends. In his
statement accompanying the August 2016 monetary policy decision, the Governor Glenn Stevens said:
Supervisory measures have strengthened lending standards in the housing market. Separately, a number of lenders are also taking a more cautious attitude to lending in certain segments. The most recent information suggests that dwelling prices have been rising only moderately over the course of this year, with considerable supply of apartments scheduled to come on stream over the next couple of years, particularly in the eastern capital cities. Growth in lending for housing purposes has slowed a little this year. All this suggests that the likelihood of lower interest rates exacerbating risks in the housing market has diminished.
However, if we add another variable to our analysis - mortgage lending - then we also add another layer of vulnerability to the financial system and the wider economy. Australian banks have more mortgages on their books than any other developed country banking system.
Residential mortgages account for over 60 per cent in Australia compared to around 30 per cent for the United States and 20 per cent for the United Kingdom. According to
Jorda et al., this is a global phenomenon with the aggregate share of real estate lending in total bank lending expanding significantly since the 1990s.
house prices grew roughly in line with inflation in the 1980s, according to the RBA, from the 1990s until the mid 2000s strong housing price growth, associated with a a major rise in the debt-to-income ratio of
Australian households, correlated with large increases in prices. As
Stapledon points out:
In the period since Australia’s last recession, house prices have risen much more sharply than in any period in Australia’s history. That builds on a substantial rise in the preceding four decades which has cumulatively seen both house prices and rents rise significantly faster than incomes.
This has been a
common experience in all developed countries with Germany and Italy the weakest in terms of prices rises and Australia as one of the strongest. Prices in
most countries have diverged significantly from long-term averages and
ratios to rents and income. This has especially been the case in Australia. A major difference between Australia and countries such as the United States and Netherlands is that prices and ratios have significantly corrected, while thus far
Australia has avoided a decline.
While population growth and supply constraints have had an impact on prices, they are insufficient explanations. According to the
ABS, "Australian population growth over the past ten years has averaged 1.7% annually, peaking at 2.2% in June 2008. For the past nine quarters the rate of growth has been slowing, with the March 2015 annual growth rate of 1.4% being only 0.1 percentage points above the September 2005 annual growth rate at the start of the period of analysis ... Over the past ten years dwelling transfers have tracked quite closely to population growth with movements in the number of transfers tending to exhibit a slight lag behind population growth. Currently the number of dwelling transfers is continuing to rise despite slowing population growth."
It is possible that there have been structural changes in Australian property markets - on both the supply and demand sides - that will lead to prices settling at a higher level, but history and comparative analysis suggests that prices will eventually fall and probably quite substantially. Even if price rises have been driven by supply constraints, the likelihood is that pressures to increase supply will overcome bottlenecks A historical and comparative analysis - one that is suspicious of claims of 'this time it's different' or 'new fundamentals' - tells us that there will be a
reversion to the mean. While the issue of when is a problem for those trying to time the market, this is less important for our analysis than the fact that it will eventually happen, with dire consequences.
A falling market, especially if accompanied by rising unemployment, could fall a long way, given the level of variance. But this isn't just a problem for highly leveraged households, it's also a problem for the banks. Falling prices will mean banks will have a growing number of loans on their books that involve negative equity for borrowers. Roy Morgan Research in late 2016 found that over 300,000 home borrowers had no real equity in their homes, which they argue:
represents a considerable risk, particularly if home values fall or households are hit by unemployment. In addition if home-loan rates rise, the problem would be likely to worsen as repayments would increase and home prices decline, with the potential to lower equity even further. Lower interest rates on the other hand have the potential to increase home equity through increased home values and by giving borrowers the opportunity to pay down the principle at a faster rate.
If the latter scenario encourages more lending (and of course more debt) then the problem is only pushed down the line, making adjustment even more severe when interest rates eventually rise again.
Falling prices will discourage investors, which will lead to lower prices. Lower prices will lead to lower lending and an increase in problem loans. Given the importance of the banks, their decline will negatively impact the share market and the overall economy. The dislocation caused by a decline in the property market could be part of a negative spiral that engulfs the Australian economy.
It's not just domestic investors that helped to inflate the property market, foreign investors are important too. Foreign investment in both commercial and residential real estate has grown rapidly in recent years, with China playing a growing role.
Approvals for new residential construction have been concentrated in the apartment market in Sydney and Melbourne. Another risk is that foreigners may reduce their purchases of Australian real estate. Indeed, there is some
recent evidence that this is already happening. The RBA notes in its April 2016
Financial Stability Review:
if a significant subset of buyers reduce their demand sharply, this can weigh on housing prices, and Chinese buyers are no exception to this given their growing importance in segments of the Australian market.
The RBA argues that several factors may instigate a reduction in housing demand, including "a sharp economic slowdown in China that lowers Chinese households' income and wealth." A falling yuan would lower their purchasing power. Slowing growth in China would hurt other countries in the region as well, lessening their capacity to invest in Australian property. It's also possible that Chinese government will further tighten capital controls. Finally, the RBA countenances the possibility of "a domestic policy action or other event that lessens Australia's appeal or accessibility as a migration destination, including for study purposes." Just two months earlier in its
February Statement the RBA argued: "In the period ahead, dwelling investment seems likely to be supported by continued strong demand from foreign buyers. Information from the Bank's liaison suggests that foreign buyers tend to have long-term motivations for investment and may be relatively unconcerned about temporary fluctuations in housing price growth." Things can change quickly, obviously. Foreign investment has played a significant role in inflating prices and, in its absence, will play a part in eventually spiking the bubble.
Weak Regulation
Monetary authorities and government have played a supportive role in the build up in systemic risks related to household debt. Such a position shows a profound faith in the finance sector to take responsibility for the stability of the overall financial system, despite the evidence from other countries and from history. On the way down, they will have a different set of choices in front of them, many of which will involve crisis management. There are macroprudential policies (MPs) and measures available and in use around the world that could have been used to limit vulnerabilities and build resilience in the system by restricting excessive credit growth and moderating the pace of asset price inflation, in the first place. Financial
policy-makers have reluctantly resorted to MPs because of the clear build up of vulnerabilities in the Australian financial system related to debt and house prices.
The reticence of policy-makers and commentators is due to the belief that these measures would involve a return to the restrictive policy framework that characterised Australian finance before the liberalisation of the 1980s. According to former RBA Board member,
Warwick McKibbin:
When listing the suggested interventions usually contained in a macroprudential policy portfolio, the list looks somewhat familiar to those who were around the policy debates of the 1960s in Australia. It took many decades to remove these types of inefficient interventions in financial markets that for many decades had distorted the allocation of capital and retarded the potential growth rate of the Australian economy.
In broad terms,
Claussen argues MPs aim to "to reduce systemic risks arising from “excessive” financial pro-cyclicality and from interconnections and other “cross-sectional” factors". Measures
capital adequacy ratios (time-varying); contingent capital requirements; requirements for higher quality capital on balance sheets; explicit limits on credit growth; varying reserve requirements; caps on loan-to-valuation ratios; and dynamic provisioning.
According to
McDonald, MPs aim "(i) to create a buffer (or safety net) so that banks do not suffer overly heavy losses
during downturns; and (ii) to restrict the build-up of financial imbalances and
thereby reduce the risk of a large correction in house prices". He finds that Loan-to-value (LTV) and debt-to-income (DTI) limits can be very effective "when credit is expanding quickly and when house prices are
high relative to income". MP
controls aim to restrict the growth of lending, especially to risky borrowers with little existing capital. Restrictive measures force these borrowers to save before they can borrow and reduce turnover in markets. Akinci and Olmstead-Rumsey, argue that there have been few studies of the effectiveness or otherwise of MPs. They create "a new set of indexes of macroprudential policies in 57 advanced and emerging countries covering the period from 2000:Q1 to 2013:Q4". They find that:
macroprudential policy variables exert a statistically significant negative effect on bank credit growth and house price inflation. ... Targeted policies, which are specifically intended to limit the growth of credit in a certain sector, seem to be more effective.
Much of the
growth in the literature on, and receptivity to, MP has been a result of the assessment that there was a need "to go beyond a purely
micro-based approach to financial regulation and supervision".
Microprudential policies aim to regulate individual firms. Both microprudential and MP regulators use prudential policy measures such as buffers and balance sheet restrictions but "microprudential policy adjusts capital based on individual institutions’ risks,
while macroprudential policy adjusts overall levels of capital based on the financial cycle and
systemic relevance to guard against systemic risk buildup." Obviously effective MPs will make the job of microprudential regulators easier. The aim of microprudential oversight is to examine the ability of individual firms to cope with exogenous shocks and they do not "incorporate endogenous
risk and the interconnectedness with the rest of the system". It is important to note, Minsky's insight that the financial system does not require an exogenous shock for the system to become unstable.
However, any change in policy creates negative reactions and policy-makers and advocates of MP need to be aware of this.
Itai Agur and Sunil Sharma point out that:
For regulation to be truly effective it has to be designed with an understanding of the regulatory structure, and the possible interventions by financial and political players that could distort the enforcement of the rules. Taking account of the political economy of regulation is likely to be especially important for macro-prudential policy ... The devastation caused and the costs imposed by the global financial crisis suggest that the system of oversight must be designed to prevent the emergence of systemic threats because once a system-wide meltdown starts it is hard to control due to the complexity of the system, the struggle of managing expectations under stress, and the challenges of coordinating and implementing policy through multiple agencies.
Chair of the Federal Reserve
Janet Yellen supports the use of MP to target financial stability rather than monetary policy, but argues that policy-makers have to be aware of the potential for risks to appear outside of regulated sectors, the potential to miss emerging risks and "the potential for such policy steps to be delayed or to lack public support."
This has certainly been the case in Australia.
MP could have been used earlier on in the boom and to a much greater extent. The RBA Governor, Glenn Stevens, has been
sceptical about the sustainability and effectiveness of MP regulations, describing them in 2014 as
"dreaded" measures and the "latest fad". Given his role as Chair of the
Council of Financial Regulators, it is not surprising that Australia has been slow to take up MP measures. Eventually, however, the CFR and another of its members, the Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority (APRA) realised that additional measures were required because the RBA needed to lower interest rates for the benefit of the wider economy. Alternative measures were required to counteract the stimulatory effect of lower interest rates on growth of credit and house price inflation.
In late 2014, APRA outlined new regulatory measures to "reinforce sound residential mortgage lending practices". APRA wrote to all ADIs stating:
In the context of historically low interest rates, high levels of household debt, strong competition in the housing market and accelerating credit growth, APRA has indicated it will be further increasing the level of supervisory oversight on mortgage lending ... At this point in time, APRA does not propose to introduce across-the-board increases in capital requirements, or caps on particular types of loans However, APRA has flagged to ADIs that it will be paying particular attention to specific areas of prudential concern. These include:
- higher risk mortgage lending — for example, high loan-to-income loans, high loan-to-valuation (LVR) loans, interest-only loans to owner occupiers, and loans with very long terms;
- strong growth in lending to property investors — portfolio growth materially above a threshold of 10 per cent will be an important risk indicator for APRA supervisors in considering the need for further action;
- loan affordability tests for new borrowers — in APRA’s view, these should incorporate an interest rate buffer of at least 2 per cent above the loan product rate, and a floor lending rate of at least 7 per cent, when assessing borrowers’ ability to service their loans. Good practice would be to maintain a buffer and floor rate comfortably above these levels.
mid-2015, APRA raised interest rates for property investors by around 25 basis points. Overall the regulatory action by the CFC in relation to banks, mortgages and house prices have been on the soft side with 'jawboning' a major component of 'action'. Head of APRA, Wayne
Byers noted in a 2015 speech that APRA has stepped up its 'examination' of lending practices since 2011:
- in 2011 and again in 2014, we sought assurances from the Boards of the larger authorised deposit-taking institutions (ADIs) that they were actively monitoring their housing lending portfolios and credit standards;
- in 2013, we commenced more detailed information collections from the larger ADIs on a range of housing loan risk metrics;
- in 2014, we stress-tested the 13 largest ADIs against two scenarios involving a significant housing market downturn;
- also in 2014, we issued a Prudential Practice Guide on sound risk management practices for residential mortgage lending;
- at the end of last year, we wrote to all ADIs about the need to maintain sound lending standards, and established some benchmarks against which we would consider the need for further supervisory actions.
Two conceptions guiding policy are, firstly. that Australia remains "a long way from the poor practices that led to problems elsewhere in the world", and, secondly, that because it is in a bank's interest to scrutinise the heightened risk environment they will effectively regulate themselves. Strangely, Byers contends that, "APRA can’t stop or prevent cycles in prices, or change the broader environment in which lenders lend". However, "to ensure the banking system is resilient to whatever conditions might eventuate in the future", it might just be necessary to resist excessive cycles in prices and slow the rise in debt.
told the House of Representatives economics committee in March 2015 "we are targeting those [banks] that are pursuing the most aggressive lending strategies and to the extent there is extra capital imposed, that will be imposed on those housing portfolios where the risks are." More recently, Byers outlined that he had no plans to change the 10 per cent threshold arguing that it had slowed investor lending. However, as the
RBA points out, "Following the introduction of an interest rate differential between housing loans to investors and owner-occupiers in mid-2015, a number of borrowers have changed the purpose of their existing loan; the net value of switching of loan purpose from investor to owner-occupier is estimated to have been $41 billion over the period of July 2015 to May 2016 of which $1.1 billion occurred in May.
The initially dismissive attitude of policy-makers to MP has to be seen within the context of the faith in the benefits of Australian financial liberalisation and in economic liberalism as a guiding framework for policy. However, there are also considerable political interests supporting the debt-asset price inflation nexus.
The Politico-Housing Complex
Another problem in dealing with the rise of house prices in Australia is the development of a
politico-housing complex in Australia, wherein policy is adapted to keep property prices buoyant.
David Llewellyn-Smith argues that:
At all levels of government and regulatory enforcement, real estate rules supreme. At the Federal level it guarantees and protects too-big-to-fail banks, drives rampant population growth and shields legal loopholes for criminal property activity. Regulators are only nominally independent from this, offering further uber-generous banking supports, little or no transparency as they endorse gaming of international rules that would impinge on property rent seekers. At the state and local levels it is planning restrictions, supply side bottlenecks, developer kickbacks and demand side stimulus measures. All are designed, in one way or another, to keep property prices high. Australian civil society is not much better. While it agonises over global warming, asylum seekers and aboriginal fates, it gorges itself on the property ponzi, forcing its children into levels of debt servitude far beyond prudence and their parent’s experience ... The non-government sector is paltry and ineffectual while the lobbies that drive property interests hold privileged seats at the policy table.
Soos and Egan also point out the significance of "a cabal of vested interests", whom they argue includes, "highly leveraged banks, the real estate and developer lobbies, media companies reliant on property advertising revenue, federal and state governments supporting the banking sector and housing markets with public funds, and of course, homeowners and investors who reason that steep housing price inflation improves their financial well being." The property market is an
important source of revenue for state and local governments, meaning that a decline in the market will lead to budgetary shortfalls. Just over half of state and local government taxation revenue was property related. There are two broad categories: "taxes on immovable properties which includes the following subcategories: land tax, rates and other, and taxes on financial and capital transactions which includes: financial institutions transaction taxes, government borrowing guarantee levies, stamp duty on conveyances and other stamp duties." In recent years, property taxes have been growing at a faster rate than other taxes reinforcing the dependence of local and state governments.
It might be the case, however, that the biggest impediment is cultural. The
continuation of the edifice is built upon a culture of property speculation and a popular belief in the safety, or better, of housing investment. The longer the show continues, the more the belief in the "safe as houses" mentality dominates public discourse. Obviously, given the years without a major correction the claims have historical truth. Many people have made large sums of money buying and selling real estate and many others want a piece of that action. The more people who want to get in on the investment ponzi, the more prices rise and the greater the impact of the eventual fall. The debate over housing affordability is often mentioned as a problem for younger people, but that is soon ignored as home 'owners' and investors celebrate the wisdom of their purchases.
It's clear that there are many interests supporting the maintenance of high house prices in Australia. These interests have helped to limit the development of MP controls. The problem is that the boom will eventually end and because the economy is so leveraged to real estate, its end will have serious consequences. The resistance to MP can be seen in this light because their explicit aim is to get banks to tighten up on lending. The consequence should be less upward pressure on house prices, at least in lower market segments.
Policy-makers know this and will try to shore up prices. Eventually, they will fail. The Rudd government liberalised foreign investment in real estate in
2009 and then tightened up again in
2010. In early 2009, the government did not want a fall in property prices. By 2010, the government was more relaxed as fiscal stimulus in Australia and China helped keep the economy buoyant while the United States and much of Europe went into deep recession. The Turnbull government will also be tempted to act and, given the Coalition's victory in the 2016 election, it won't be able to blame changes to negative gearing rules that might have happened under a Shorten Labor government.
An end to the radical deviation of house prices from their long-term average relationships to inflation, income and rents and the related need for households to deleverage will cause significant pain for Australians. A reversion to mean, however, will have other beneficial consequences. Eventually. While it sounds heretical in the Australian context, constantly increasing house prices are not good for society as whole and for most buyers and sellers it constitutes wealth illusion. If you sell a house in an inflated market, you probably still have to buy one in that same market. The only real beneficiaries are those who downsize or move to an area of lower house prices. But even then if the general price level of houses was lower, even those sellers would be able to buy a relatively cheaper house when they downgraded.
Of course, for investors the major aim is capital gain, which means that fewer houses are available for owner-occupiers. Over the past 10 years this has been an incredibly lucrative investment strategy: tax breaks
and capital gains. According to
Core Logic,
the median selling price for houses Australia wide increased by an average of 51% over the past decade, and 44% for apartments.It also means that a huge component of 'investment' in the country is focused on what effectively is a
ponzi scheme, rather than productive investment in future productivity enhancing businesses and infrastructure. Investors are 'encouraged' by negative gearing to make a loss on their investment. Not a particularly sound investment strategy overall. Income earned by the asset - through rents - are thus less important to the investor than capital gains.
Even if the worst of the risks do not come to pass,
Michael Janda highlights the macroeconomic problems associated with an excessive focus on property speculation.
The home lending fetish results in underinvestment in new businesses, research and expansion, and an over-reliance on foreign capital which can easily evaporate in a crisis. It also creates a higher cost of doing business because of inflated land prices, and because workers' wages need to be high enough for them to also afford inflated housing costs, making Australian firms globally uncompetitive. If (or, perhaps more accurately, when) this results in an Australian recession the banks will have to be bailed out through central bank loans.
In a recent study,
Chakraborty et al, "find evidence that an increase in housing prices leads to a decrease in commercial lending." They also show that
the decrease in lending translates to a real effect, as it leads to a decrease in the investments of firms that have a relationship with the affected banks. The premise underlying this crowding-out behavior is that banks are constrained in raising new capital or selling their loans, and so when highly profitable lending opportunities arise in one sector (mortgage lending), they choose to pursue them by cutting their lending in another sector (commercial lending).
Cecchetti and Kharroubi have written two important papers analysing the impact of the growth of finance. In a
2012 paper the authors concluded that financial sector growth "is good only up to a point, after which it becomes a drag on growth. They also show that "a fast-growing financial sector is detrimental to aggregate productivity growth". In a later
paper they argue that:
financial booms are not, in general, growth-enhancing, likely because the financial sector competes with the rest of the economy for resources. Second, using sectoral data, we examine the distributional nature of this effect and find that credit booms harm what we normally think of as the engines for growth – those that are more R&D intensive.
Put it all Together and What Do You Get: Debt
Associated with this excessive focus on the property sector is the rise and rise of household debt in Australia. This has been a general trend in developed economies.
Jorda et al. utilise new data sets to show that:
after an initial period of financial deepening in the late 19th century the average level of the credit-to-GDP ratio in advanced economies reached a plateau of about 50%–60% around 1900. Subsequently, with the notable exception of the deep contraction seen in bank lending in the Great Depression and World War II, the ratio broadly remained in this range until the 1970s. The trend then broke: the three decades that followed were marked by a sharp increase in the volume of bank credit relative to GDP. Bank lending on average roughly doubled relative to GDP between 1980 and 2009 as average bank credit to GDP increased from 62% in 1980 to 118% in 2010.
Fernandez and Aalbers argue that "[h]ousing finance represents both an asset and a liability". On the asset side of the equation "housing plays a critical role as collateral for debt. The rising share of housing finance in overall financial assets demonstrates the pivotal role of the built environment in the expansive phase of finance of the last three decades". On the liability side a global pool of liquid assets, that they call a "wall of money", requires investment opportunities. There are four sources for these funds. Firstly. there are funds from institutional investors, which includes pension funds, insurance companies and sovereign wealth funds; secondly, funds created by the trade surplus countries, thirdly from loose monetary policy; and finally from the rise in corporate savings from accumulated profits. The general move towards higher private debt levels shows that policy would need to fight against the potential for expansion of debt. This, of course would have been an overt challenge to the orthodoxy of financial liberalisation. No organised grouping opposed the direction of policy or the creation of housing debt. And as argued above this meant that those with the most to gain had the loudest voice.
The problem is not just asset price inflation and debt expansion on the way up, it is also the consequences on the way down.
Lansing and Glick, in a study of the debt build up in industrial countries, report that:
countries experiencing the largest increases in household leverage before the crisis tended to experience the most severe recessions, where severity is measured by the percentage decline in real consumption from the second quarter of 2008 to the first quarter of 2009. Consumption fell most sharply in Ireland (-6.7%) and Denmark (-6.3%), both of which saw huge increases in household leverage prior to the crisis. Consumption was flat or fell only slightly in Germany, Austria, Belgium, and France, which were among the countries that saw the smallest increases in household leverage before the crisis. Overall, the data suggest that recession severity in a given country reflects the degree to which prior growth was driven by an unsustainable borrowing trend. Of course, other factors besides leverage could have influenced the post-crisis consumption pattern. These include actions taken by policymakers in the respective countries to mitigate the economic fallout from the financial crisis.
Not only is the expansion of household debt eventually associated with significant declines in household consumption, but there is evidence to show that it leads to banking crises. Citing work by
Jorda, Schularick and Taylor and
Reinhardt and Rogoff, the authors of
House of Debt, Atif Mian and Amir Sufi contend that we must understand the association of the expansion of private debt with both recessions and banking crises. Jorda et al. considered over 200 recessions between 1870 and 2008 (thus missing the fallout from the GFC) They find that:
first, financial-crisis recessions are more painful than normal recessions; second, the credit-intensity of the expansion phase is closely associated with the severity of the recession phase for both types of recessions. More precisely, we show that a stronger increase in financial leverage, measured by the rate of change of bank credit relative to GDP in the prior boom, tends to correlate with a deeper subsequent downturn.
Mian and Sufi argue that the international and US evidence is clear: "Economic disasters are almost always preceded by a large increase in household debt. The two are linked by "collapses in spending". The problem is that there are many alternative views that consider the rise in household debt to be a "sideshow". These views include the "fundamentals view", which highlights the role of major shocks to the economy in the form of political crises, natural disasters or a major change in expectations. Mian and Sufi point out that most of the severe recessions were preceded by such events. Fundamentalists don't see the rise in debt as a causal mechanism. The "animal spirits" view proposes that recessions are caused by a rise in irrational expectations about future price growth. The "banking view" sees the problem in terms of declining access to credit. The crisis can be fixed by encouraging banks to start lending again to households. The banking view was heavily supported in the aftermath of the GFC. President George W. Bush's administration was an enthusiastic supporter.
Australia has thus far not required an explanation as to why the build up in debt has been followed by a collapse in spending. It hasn't happened here. Yet. There are many warning signs and Australia has experienced all the initial conditions for an eventual debt derived collapse in consumption. As the figures below show, household debt has been on an almost continuous rise in Australia since the early 1990s. The big advantage for Australian households has been the lowering of interest rates, which has reduced the amount of interest paid since the late 2000s, increasing disposable income and making leveraged households increasingly dependent on low interest rates. An increase in interest rates will increase the debt service burden once again. It is also possible that a wider economic crisis will force deleveraging before that time. Meanwhile, low interest rates will encourage households and investors to take on more debt.

Household debt is at unprecedented levels in Australia. It is now growing again after a short period of consolidation and it is possible, likely even, that the 'rubber band' of debt will stretch a bit further. Of course this will exacerbate problems down the line. Across the economy, debt service in relation to profits has also been relatively low because of the decline in interest rates. This is likely to remain the case for some time and those keen for a continuation of high house prices (spurred by increasing leverage) will hope that the Reserve Bank lowers rates even further.
So why can't this whole debt-fuelled property extravaganza go on for longer? Why isn't it possible that 'this time it
is different'? The question to ponder is what level of debt as a percentage of disposable income would be possible? Could Australia go to 250 per cent? And if it did where would it go from there? To 300 per cent? 400 per cent? The Netherlands and Denmark show that debt as a percentage of income can go much higher than currently experienced by Australia.
As a percentage of GDP, however, Australia currently has the
highest level of debt in the developed world. To avoid a crisis policy-makers need to engineer gradual deleveraging across the household sector to restore balance to the economy: a 'soft landing' Paul Keating might have called it were he still in charge of policy. The danger is that this change in direction might create a point of inflection that leads to a downward spiral. The 'solution' is to not let debt build up to unsustainable levels in the first place.
Australia hasn't yet had a housing crisis and so net wealth has held up reasonably well. The point to note, however, is that if asset prices were to fall, liabilities would not. The positive wealth effects of rising asset prices will suddenly turn negative as households with negative equity on their houses feel poorer even if they don't have to sell into a falling market.

The buildup of debt is not just an Australian phenomenon and is not just tied to houses. Debt, both public and private, domestic and foreign, has been on the increase since financial liberalisation began in the 1970s and 1980s.
The IMF recently reported
The global gross debt of the nonfinancial sector has more than doubled in nominal terms since the turn of the century, reaching $152 trillion in 2015. About two-thirds of this debt consists of liabilities of the private sector. Although there is no consensus about how much is too much, current debt levels, at 225 percent of world GDP, are at an all-time high.
In the lead up to the GFC private debt increased by 35 per cent of GDP in the advanced economies, with the IMP noting that Australia along with Canada and Singapore have continued to rapidly accumulate private debt. But the major problem may lie in emerging economies with debt expanding significantly in recent years.

While public debt has increased around the world in the aftermath of the GFC, with private sector deleveraging matched by increased public debt, especially in the United States and Europe. As the
IMF notes "public debt declined across all country groups up to 2007".
Australia has maintained a relatively low level of public debt. Despite the deterioration of revenues after the crisis and the Coalition government’s rhetoric of a ‘debt emergency’, Australia’s public debt is comparatively and historically low. In 2015,
according to the IMF, Australia’s general government net debt was 17.9 per cent of GDP, compared to 80.6 per cent for the United States and 80.7 per cent for the United Kingdom. The worst countries were Greece with a net debt of 176.6 per cent of GDP, Japan with 128.1 per cent and Portugal with 121.3 per cent. Norway, which like Australia benefitted from the boom in resource prices, has a positive balance of 278.3 per cent of GDP. Norway has managed to redistribute the benefits of its resource base to current and future generations of Norwegians and it shows what might have been possible for Australia to achieve with effective taxation of its
80 per cent foreign owned resource sector.
The flip side of the opportunities that have been available via the build up in debt have led to inflated house prices that have contributed to the success of the big four dominated banking sector. The vested interests in this structure worry about the end of the ponzi-like buildup in house prices, Australians should worry about the consequences of stretching the private debt rubber band so far that it breaks and cuts deep into the Australian economy.
Since the early 1990s, developed countries have experienced a common trajectory in the direction of higher levels of private debt, predominantly associated with property. The outcomes for many countries with rapidly falling property prices have been catastrophic. Mix these falls with rising unemployment and stagnant incomes for those in work and the result will be a severe recession, a collapse in asset prices and a long period of painful deleveraging. The Australian economy has done remarkably well over the past quarter of a century, but part of this success has been built on a substantial increase in debt. It is likely that public debt will have to rise further as households deleverage. No doubt concerns about foreign debt and the current account will also re-emerge in coming years.